....What would his hero, The Duke of Wellington, say? Nevertheless, the Gricer and I must jointly offer our apologies for the lack of promised activity
on this website. I have been beguiled by the temptation to put the world to rights in 140 characters on Twitter * and the Gricer.....seems to be even more overwhelmed by the 21st century than I had suspected. He's not a complete technophobe; indeed, he's
quite at home on the interweb -- I'm just not sure it's doing him any good. He seems to have developed an unhealthy obsession with horror films. Now I've nothing against them -- I must have seen The Devil Rides Out ....oh....three or four times --
but I came home early the other evening (he's my guest, in case you were wondering) to find him hunched before the computer screen, looking terribly pale and drained. He hurriedly switched it off as I entered the room, but not before I'd glimpsed
the title of the website: "X Videos". I fear the poor fellow has been mainlining the entire Hammer Films oevre.....
I hope
to tear him away from Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee for long enough to elicit a piece on the late Baroness Thatcher, whom he (and I) greatly admired. In the meantime, I can only repeat my sincere apologies to those (many, I see) who have visited in
* @StephenLees4 , just in case anyone's interested.....